WHS presents: talking things a stuff kind of stuff

5 months ago

We had a guest but due to time zone confusion BUT you should still go check out his movie. Info below.

writer, and director Rusty Apper and his movie Artifacts of Fear are streaming now on Tubi https://tubitv.com/movies/100009956/artifacts-of-fear Artifacts of Fear: Get ready for a world of witches, murder and mayhem as Two teens bite off more they can chew, meddling in an infamous local antiques store. The horrors soon ensue in this hammer-inspired, British 3-part horror anthology Rusty was born and bred in Hampshire, England and from an early age he showed an interest in the theatrics of film. After being inspired by Christopher Lee and 'Hammer Horror' movies, he set out to make and star in films of his own. After studying film, media and graphic design in college, he embarked on a successful and lengthy career in the film industry, Working in nearly every aspect at one time or another as an actor/stuntman/director/writer and special make up effects artist, as well as dealing with marketing roles such as graphic design for posters and DVD box art. Rusty is also a singer/songwriter and musician in his own right, having scored over 50 titles and releasing several solo albums, gaining props from some acclaimed composers including legendary horror composer Harry Manfredini (friday the 13th) who said his music is 'a magical melding of atmospheric and minimalist that captures both your ears and imagination'. He has also directed his own films including 'Spirits of the fall' and 'The Whistler' which gained recognition on a cult status, being called 'One of the best Indie horror's of 2010 by Shock Horror Magazine. He continues to live in Hampshire, still working effortlessly in a range of different areas in the film and music industry. This episode is sponsored by Deadly Grounds Coffee, head over to https://deadlygroundscoffee.com/ and grab a bag if you want to support the show head over to http://tee.pub/lic/xagxfUg22qI and grab a shirt! We are part of The Dorkening Podcast Network https://www.thedorkeningpodcastnetwork.com/ Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: https://streamyard.com/pal/d/5657902597799936

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